New Transfer Station Summer Hours









Now that spring is upon us we are changing the landfill hours to summer ones. They are as follows:

Tuesdays: 1-2 pm, Thursdays: 5-7 pm, Saturdays: 1-4 pm

Also don’t forget to bring cash or a cheque with you to pay. The waste disposal fees are as follows:

  • Small utility trailers or trunk of vehicle                    $7.00 each
  • 1/2 ton trucks & 1/2 ton trailers                              $20.00 each
  • 1 ton trucks                                                                $45.00 each
  • 3 ton trucks, single axle                                            $100.00 each
  • Chester field and carpets                                          $20.00 each
  • Love seats, Chesterfield chairs and Easy chairs      $15.00 each
  • Fridges, stoves, washers (whites)                            $15.00 each
  • Water heaters & smaller metal items                       $7.00 each